How Mentorship will Help our Permaculture Community Grow

This article was originally published by the NuMundo Transformational Times blog. Please go to their website to read the entire article.

How Mentorship will Help our Permaculture Community Grow

costa rica permaculture porvenir design consultation

by Scott Gallant

Mentorship may be one of the biggest opportunities for growth in our fledgling permaculture movement. There is interest in professional careers as permaculture designers, but the field lacks quality mentoring opportunities. By these I mean mentoring in a specific field, by a professional who has years of experience, with the goal of developing a specific skill set and livelihood.

Earlier this year I formalized my permaculture design consulting business as Porvenir Design. I’ve been doing design work for the last four years, but part time, informally, not running it as a genuine business. It was a side hustle that is now becoming a primary livelihood.

Never have I craved mentorship like I have during this process.

To finish reading this article please go to the NuMundo Transformational Times blog.

permaculture costa rica porvenir design consultation
permaculture costa rica porvenir design consultation

Interested in learning more? Consider joining the Porvenir Design team for their upcoming Permaculture Design Certification at Rancho Mastatal Sustainability Education Center! This intensive two week course is designed to give students hands on experience in a real world site design scenario.

permaculture costa rica porvenir design consultation